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EFT Tapping | What Is Emotional Freedom Technique and Does EFT Tapping work?

Tapping is a simple method called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) that can help relieve your worries. It's a kind of therapy that combines traditional Chinese medicine and modern psychology. You tap on specific points on your hands, face, and body with your fingertips while thinking about negative feelings. This can help you feel better and more positive.

Studies have indicated that EFT tapping can help reduce stress, control cravings, boost performance, and even alleviate symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

How does tapping work, though? And can it truly have a noticeable impact on your mental and emotional well-being? We sought out responses from specialists and evaluated scientific research on the subject.

What is EFT/Tapping?

EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique, is a method created by Gary Craig in 1995 that involves tapping on specific points on the face and upper body. It has also become known as Tapping from Nick Ortner and The Tapping World Summit.

EFT is a therapeutic technique that involves tapping on specific acupressure points on the body while focusing on a particular negative emotion or issue. It is a combination of traditional Chinese medicine and modern psychology. The process involves using your fingertips to tap on specific meridian points on your body, while repeating positive affirmations or phrases to counterbalance negative emotions.

This technique combines modern psychology with the tapping of these points on the body, which sends a signal to the brain that can help reduce stress and soothe emotions. EFT has been recognized as effective in treating PTSD by the American Psychological Society, and it can be used for a variety of issues such as stress, anxiety, chronic illnesses, and trauma. By tapping on these points, individuals can access their inner wisdom, heal past negative memories, and reduce stress and anxiety levels. With the help of a skilled practitioner, EFT can also support healing of chronic conditions and past traumatic events.

Research studies have shown that EFT can be effective in reducing the intensity and frequency of negative emotions, improving physical symptoms, and improving overall well-being. EFT can be used as a self-help tool or can be done with the guidance of a trained therapist.

What are the Tapping Points?

The Tapping Points are specific points on the face and upper body that are used in the practice of EFT, or Tapping. There are 11 main points in total that are typically used in EFT practice.

When tapping on these points, the individual focuses on a specific issue or problem while using positive affirmations to address and resolve it.

These points are located on the face, upper body, and hands. Here's a detailed explanation of each point:

Side of the hand: This point is located on the side of the hand, between the base of the pinkie finger and the wrist. It's also known as the karate chop point and is often used to start a tapping sequence.

Top of the head: This point is located on the top of the head, at the center of the crown. It's often used to release stress and anxiety.

Eyebrow point: This point is located at the beginning of the eyebrow, closest to the center of the face. It's often used to release feelings of frustration or anger.

Side of the eye: This point is located on the bone at the corner of the eye, closest to the ear. It's often used to release feelings of fear or anxiety.

Under the eye: This point is located on the bone directly under the eye, in line with the pupil. It's often used to release sadness or grief.

Under the nose: This point is located between the nose and the upper lip. It's often used to release feelings of shame or embarrassment.

Chin point: This point is located in the crease between the lower lip and the chin. It's often used to release feelings of guilt or insecurity.

Collarbone point: This point is located at the base of the throat, where the collarbone meets the breastbone. It's often used to release feelings of shame or self-criticism.

Under the arms: These points are located on the side of the body, about 4 inches below the armpit. They're often used to release feelings of sadness or despair.

Liver points: These points are located on the right side of the body, just under the ribcage. They're often used to release anger or frustration.

Wrist point: This point is located on the inside of the wrist, about 2 inches down from the base of the hand. It's often used to release stress or anxiety.

During a tapping session, these points are tapped on in a specific order. Different techniques may focus on specific points or use all of them. The tapping motions send signals through the body's connective tissues to the amygdala and limbic system, reducing stress and soothing emotions. By tapping on these points, an individual can access their inner wisdom, heal past negative memories, lower stress and anxiety levels, and start healing limiting beliefs. With the help of a skilled practitioner, EFT can support the healing of chronic conditions and past traumatic event.

Does EFT tapping work?

Yes, EFT tapping has been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of various physical and emotional conditions. While scientific research on EFT is still ongoing, early studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that it can be helpful for issues such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and PTSD, among others.

The theory behind EFT is that by tapping on specific energy points on the body while focusing on an emotional issue, you can balance the body's energy system and reduce negative emotions and physical symptoms. While the mechanism by which EFT works is not yet fully understood, many people report positive results from using the technique.

It's important to note that EFT should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment, but rather as a complementary therapy. If you are considering using EFT to address a health issue, it's important to consult with a qualified practitioner and continue to follow any medical advice or treatment prescribed by your healthcare provider.

Do I Need to Tap on all the Points all the Time?

While it's generally recommended to tap on all the points when first learning EFT/Tapping, it's not always necessary to tap on all the points all the time.

In some cases, you may want to focus on specific points depending on the issue you are addressing or the technique you are using. For example, some techniques may only require tapping on a few points, such as the Karate Chop point and the eyebrow point.

However, tapping on all the points can provide a more thorough and effective treatment for many issues, especially when working on deep-seated emotional or physical issues.

Ultimately, it's up to you to decide which points to tap on and for how long. Trust your intuition and listen to your body to determine what feels best for you in the moment. It's important to note that tapping regularly, even if it's only on a few points, can still provide significant benefits for your emotional and physical well-being.

Do I need to Tap on Both Hands or Just One?

In EFT tapping, it's common practice to tap with both hands on both sides of the body. However, it's also okay to tap with just one hand on one side of the body.

The reason for tapping with both hands on both sides of the body is that it can create a more balanced effect and activate both sides of the brain. Additionally, tapping on both sides can help you get in touch with both the positive and negative aspects of a particular issue you're working on, which can help you achieve greater balance and healing.

That being said, if tapping with both hands on both sides feels awkward or uncomfortable to you, or if you're in a situation where you can only tap with one hand, it's perfectly fine to tap with just one hand on one side of the body. The most important thing is to tap consistently and mindfully, focusing on your intention and the specific issue you're working on.

How Many Times Do I Tap on the Points Before Moving to the Next One?

When tapping on each point in EFT, it's generally recommended to tap about 5 to 7 times before moving to the next point. This can help to stimulate the energy meridians and allow the body to release tension and negative emotions.

However, the number of taps can vary based on personal preference and what feels effective for you. Some people may tap fewer or more times on each point, and some may tap continuously without counting. The most important thing is to focus on your intention and the issue you're working on, and tap on each point until you feel a sense of relief or release.

It's also important to remember that EFT tapping is not a rigid process, and you can adjust the technique to fit your needs and preferences. The most important thing is to tap consistently and mindfully, paying attention to your body's responses and any shifts in your emotions or beliefs.

What should I say when tapping?

When tapping, the words you use should be focused on the issue you're working on and the emotions and thoughts that are associated with it. You can start by stating the issue out loud or in your mind, and then using phrases that acknowledge and validate your emotions, while also affirming a positive change.

For example, if you're tapping for anxiety, you might start by saying, "Even though I'm feeling anxious right now, I deeply and completely accept myself." Then you can continue tapping on the points while using phrases such as "this anxiety," "this feeling in my body," "this worry," "I choose to relax," "I choose to feel calm and centered," and so on.

It's important to use words and phrases that feel authentic and true to you, and to focus on the present moment rather than getting lost in past memories or future worries. You can also try incorporating positive affirmations that feel empowering and uplifting, such as "I am strong and capable," "I trust myself," or "I choose to let go of what no longer serves me."

Ultimately, the words you use when tapping should reflect your unique experience and goals, and should be spoken with kindness and compassion toward yourself.

What it I don't know wat to say while tapping?

When using EFT/tapping, the focus is on achieving relief from the emotional state you're feeling. Even if you don't have words to express your emotions, tapping can still be effective. It's important to allow yourself to feel and process your emotions, and the words will often come naturally.

In cases where you can't access the words, using metaphors or visual images can be helpful. For example, you can think about the shape, color, or metaphor that relates to what's going on in your heart.

Another option is to use the "tapping without words" technique or tapping with conscious breathing. These tools can help you address what's coming up in the moment and provide relief.

It's essential to keep in mind that if you want to heal more deeply, you may need to do some detective work to determine the root causes of your emotions. But if your immediate goal is to address what's coming up in the moment, just tapping can be effective.

Is it possible to achieve long-lasting or permanent results with EFT/tapping?

In short, yes, it is possible to get permanent results with EFT/Tapping. It has been proven to be an effective technique for addressing emotional issues and traumas at their root, leading to long-lasting relief and healing. It is important to have patience and persistence in the process, and to seek support and guidance if needed. With the right mindset and tools, EFT/Tapping can lead to profound and lasting transformation.

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